The project QWAS – Migrating Dialogue is a transcultural collaboration between the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Eurasian Cultural Alliance (ECA) in Almaty, Kazakhstan. It is part of the International Hub Arts for Change – Arts and Design in Social Processes of ZHdK and took place in the fall of 2017 for the first time. Between 8th and 29th of August 2018, five students from ZHdK and five artists from Kazakhstan will work together during a train journey from one location to the other and during their five-day stay in both Zurich and Almaty. The results of the collaboration will be presented at the ARTBAT FEST 2018, a festival for public art in Almaty.
What is it about?
In QWAS, we travel through Europe and a series of post-Soviet countries. We use the train as both a tool and a location – a third space, a platform not only for exchange but also for artistic interventions. The passage through space, borders, time and contexts are central to the journey, but the train itself is also an object of inquiry. What kind of art can you make in a limited, moving place? What is the rhythm of the train? Who do you encounter and what are their stories? And where is all that black tea coming from? The journey between the two countries invites students to explore topics such as migration, nomadism, mobility, identity politics, mapping, borders, languages and other means of communication, time and space, experiments and utopias.
What is the timeframe?
8th of August: arrival of Kazakh participants in Zurich 9th to 11th of August 2018: Workshop-Lab in Zurich 12th to 22nd of August 2018: Train Ride from Zurich to Almaty (with stopovers in Berlin, Moscow, and Astana) 23rd to 28th of August 2018: Workshop-Lab in Almaty, exhibition at ARTBAT FEST 2018 29th of August 2018: return journey of Swiss participants (by aircraft) |
What are the conditions?
| a keen interest in transcultural collaboration interest in exploring unconventional ways of travelling and ideas ability to work in groups travel, accommodation and visa are organized by ZHdK
FOR ZHDK-STUDENTS ONLY: a contribution towards the costs with CHF 300 Both BA and MA students are welcome to applly ZHdK Bachelor students who are already enrolled for another Z-Module between 3rd-16th September (calendar weeks 36 and 37) are welcome to apply for the exchange but won't receive additional ETCS credit points for this Z-Module.
How to apply?
| You are welcome to apply by submitting a short statement (1 page A4). It should contain the following: one or two examples of your work and methods, as well as your motivation: why are you interested in this project? How does it refer to your fields of study or artistic practice? What do you expect from this transcultural exchange? an idea for project you would like to realise on the train knowledge of basic English is desirable but not mandatoplease also suggest what Q.W.A.S. should stand for |
Please send your application to both project leaders
Rada Leu () and Peter Tränkle ()
for Swiss applicants by the 20th May!!
for Kasakh applicants by the 22nd
© 2021 QWAS
Zurich University of the Arts
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
CH-8005 Zürich
E-Mail: contact[at]
Zurich University of the Arts
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
CH-8005 Zürich
E-Mail: contact[at]
© 2021 QWAS