Against the background of a global pandemic, countless live streaming platforms emerged, providing an excess of options for expanded listening across the globe. We want to examine the potential and relevance of broadcasting in a contemporary media setting by connecting artists across the globe and across all disciplines. The surfacing of new contact zones — new spaces of encounter, of radical empathy, of careful listening — are at the center of this project. We are curious to examine and experience the entanglements of transmission, translation, and translocality.
The project takes place online. Participants from Brazil, Colombia, Estonia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Switzerland located over three time-zones and a difference of 9 hours worked online together during 5 days to exchange and create a broadcasting programme of 48 hours.
The broadcasting station is physically hosted at MATERIAL in Zurich. You can visit us there during its opening hours 1p.m.-7p.m. (Zurich local time)
BRA | EU | KAZ | SATURDAY 10.10.2020 | SUNDAY 11.10.2020 | |||||||||
00:00 - 06:00 |
| 05:00 - 11:00 |
| 09:00 - 15:00 | [BR 00:00-05:43] Mamori Field Recordings (Thelmo Cristovam, BRA with an introduction by Mayara Yamada, BRA/CH) | [BR 00:00-06:00] Ultimos meses (Thelmo Cristovam, BRA) | |||||||
06:00 - 07:00 | 11:00 - 12:00 | 15:00 - 16:00 |
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07:00 - 10:00 | 12:00 - 15:00 | 16:00 - 19:00 | [ EU 12:00-14:30] The Language of the Others – Three Conversations (1) [EU 12:00-12:40] Checking in on our ruderal Neighbours (Gözde Filinita, CH/TK in conversation with Julie Robiolle)
(2) [EU 12:40-13:40] Uexküll, Derrida and the Language of the Other (Gözde Filinta, CH/TK in conversation with Dr. Can Batukan, TK)
(3) [EU 14:00 - 14:30] Archeologies of Sound in the Present (Gözde Filinta, CH/TK in conversation with Jonathan Ospina, CO)
[EU 14:30-15:00] _Signals to Isolation 🎧 (Jeesoo Hong, KOR, DE) |
[EU 13:00-13:30] _Signals to Isolation (Jeesoo Hong, KOR/GER)
[EU 14:00-14:30] Sound Ride (Peter Simon, GER)
[EU 14:30-15:00] Terra Incognita (Peter Simon & Freya Hattenberger) | |||||||||
10:00 - 11:00 | 15:00 - 16:00 | 19:00 - 20:00 | [EU 15:00-15:15] unboxing:2020 (Nazira Karimi & Pille-Riin Jaik) | ||||||||||
11:00 - 12:00 | 16:00 - 17:00 | 20:00 - 21:00 | [EU 16:00-16:30] unboxing:2020 🎧 Nazira Karimi (KAZ, AT) and Pille-Riin Jaik (EST, AT) | ||||||||||
12:00 - 13:00 | 17:00 - 18:00 | 21:00 - 22:00 | [EU 17:00-18:00] ABSORB_EXHALE_PULSE_ACCELERATE (Yris Aprit, CO/CH & Mayara Yamada, BRA/CH) | ||||||||||
13:00 - 14:00 | 18:00 - 19:00 | 22:00 - 23:00 | [EU 18:00-18:30] Sound Ride 🎧 (Peter Simon, DE)
[EU 18:30-18:45] Terra Incognita 🎧 (Peter Simon, DE & Freya Hattenberger, DE) | [EU 18:00-19:00] Trilogie 1-3 (trio werken, GER) followed by discussion of the pieces | |||||||||
14:00 - 15:00 | 19:00 - 20:00 | 23:00 - 24:00 | [EU 19:00-20:00] Trilogie 1 - 3 (trio werken) | [EU 19:00-20:00] ABSORB_EXHALE_PULSE_ACCELERATE (Yris Apsit, CO/CH & Mayara Yamada, BRA/CH) | |||||||||
15:00 - 16:00 | 20:00 - 21:00 | 00:00 - 01:00 | [EU 20:00-22:45] The Language of the Other (Gözde Filinta in conversation with Dr. Can Batukan, Julie Robiolle, and Jonathan Ospina)
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16:00 - 17:00 | 21:00 - 22:00 | 01:00 - 02:00 | [EU 21:00-22:00] ABSORB_EXHALE_PULSE_ACCELERATE (Yris Aprit, CO/CH & Mayara Yamada, BRA/CH) | ||||||||||
17:00 - 00:00 |
| 22:00 - 05:00 |
| 02:00 - 09:00 | [BRA 18:00-00:00] Microorganismos (Thelmo Cristovam, BRA) | [BRA 18:00-24:00] Mapa Sonoro de Pernambuco (Thelmo Cristovam, BRA) |
Mamori Field Recordings (with introduction by Mayara Yamada)
Nos Ultimos Meses
Mapa Sonoro de Pernambuco
Thelmo Cristovam, born 1975, lives and works in Pernambuco, northeast region of Brazil. Improviser & composer, his academic background is in physics and mathematics, but he is an independent researcher in psychoacoustics. Breath/throat (sax, trumpet, trombone, flute) & electromagnetic waves (satellites/radio) are the main focus on his free improvisation performances and production/recording nowadays. His range of research/poetics includes radio art, noise/drone & field recordings based compositions. Besides his own production, he has given workshops on deep listening, sound art and field recordings, subjects that are the focus of many of his works, besides electroacoustic compositions and free improvisation. He also works as a sound designer for local short films and does research and sound engineering to several projects.
Sound Ride
Please use headphones. Uncut, one shoot version from 07.10.2020.
I will go by bike to the "Temple of Collected Knowledge" aka the Central Public Library, and record the ride with the microphones. The route takes about 20 minutes and leads right through the city. Thereby we encounter the inhabitants, dangers and advantages of urban life.
Depending on day time, weather and route, the ride results in different soundscapes. You meet different people, the traffic is different, the situation is different. Even if you drive the route every day, the soundscape will always be different.
Terra Incognita (2019, Cologne/GER) (with Freya Hattenberger)
Terra Incognita is a soundscape/improvisation. Recorded not far from the Atlantic coast in a garden in France. A recorded session, which was broadcasted live via internet to a concert hall in Cologne.
Peter Simon, Born in Poland. Lives and works in Cologne/GER.
His artistic work includes sculptural sound and video installations, sound installations in public space, multi-channel sound compositions and performances.
The focus of his work is sound ecology, psychoacoustics, bioacoustics and their influence on the individual and society.
We worked with collaborative processes of writing, while exchanging musics that makes us shudder, to create four bodily charged chapters (absorb, exhale, pulse, accelerate) evoking movement, bodies, music and desire
Yris Apsit (1989*) is a transdisciplinary artist and researcher in political sciences. Her previous works dive around the body and identities as creative tools for resistance, from post-pornography to plastic surgery.
From illustration, creative writing, tattooing or photography, she is interested in the topics subversion and activism, poetry, sexuality, identity and empowerment. The hybridisation between disciplines and artistic mediums are for her a possibility for collective encounters, (un)doing together and experimenting.
She currently studies a MA at the ZHdK, researching space (law) and identity as a political metaphor for feminist fabulation, and takes part to the New Policies and Afrofuturisms program at the University of the Underground.
Mayara Yamada (1992) Visual artist from Belém do Pará in Brazil's Amazon, performer, DJ and art researcher graduated in Aesthetics and Theater Theory at Unirio - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, currently attending Master in Visual Arts at ÉCAL - École Cantonale d'Arts de Lausanne.
Her works have as central themes landscape, identity, ancestrality, gender and memory. Her sound's practice comes from her experience playing as DJ, doing sound for her videos and her actual research in partying and nocturnes scenes from Brazil to Japan.
_Signals to Isolation
--------Nature sounds to all private spaces through radio broadcasting-----------------------------------It is thinking and following the journey of water from mountain Quelle to each of our homes------We can feel the large connection between the two------The water comes to us from a high mountain-----flowing mighty mountain streams-------passing quiet lakes-------and running through water pipes-----------I hear the signals far away from here, inside my home-------------Then the isolation becomes only an illusion---
Jeesoo Hong is an artist born in South Korea and working based in Cologne, where currently studying master at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne since 2017.
Her interests are human or nonhuman bodies and spaces in different relationships created in urban life and invite the audience to intimate experience through multimedia such as drawing, animation, sound, installation, and film.
For the project Contact Zones we send each other packages via post and once the packages arrive - each of us record an ASMR soundtrack of unboxing the aforementioned packages (to trigger our listeners’ “low-grade euphoria”).
The only condition for us is to include a little text to the package, that each of us will half-whisper during the unboxing session. The text can be self-written, found, marked in a book, etc.
Nazira Karimi, (1996) in Tajikistan and later relocated to Austria where she is currently studying Art and Digital Media in the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Her work exists on the intersections of diverse media such as digital-performance, installation, and video. All relate to the iconography and stereotypes of female identity as represented in modern popular culture and throughout art history.
Karimi often uses her own body mixing its parts with animation and sound to question alienation and concept of identity. Karimi’s work was featured in noble venues and exhibitions such as Aspan Gallery, ARTBAT FEST, FemAgora, as well as a special video performance for Tselinny Center of Contemporary Culture in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Pille-Riin Jaik (born 1991 in Tallinn, Estonia) is a Vienna based interdisciplinary artist working with video/performance as well as with sculpture and installation. She has a Bachelor of Photography from the Estonian Academy of Fine Arts and is currently studying Art and Digital Media with professor Constanze Ruhm at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She works with surplus and waste materials/thoughts in feminist and class aware discourses.
Trilogie 1-3
werken is a trio dedicating its work to free improvised music. Coming from different backgrounds - such as jazz, classical music, radio play and sound poetry - the three musicians share a fascination for energetic flows in free music. Through exploring the blurred space between noise, sound and language the trio tries to push boundaries of what our ears are used to hear. During the ongoing fragmentation of the public sphere - politically and culturally - sensory encounter with the social and material environment remains a crucial necessity for human beings. With most of our daily live being moved to the virtual, how do we navigate the aesthetic implications of such modes of listening, through which we normally both discover and create the world around us?
Merging field recordings with improvisation we create a hybrid soundscape between the objective plane and the subjective creative act. Acoustic realities from different localities can be made tangible through telematic reproduction and at the same provide the substrate for creative interaction. The disintegration of our subjective location in the virtual is transformed into a telematic experience “so that now we can set off calmly on journeys of adventure among its far-flung debris” (Walter Benjamin).
Sarah Buchner - voice, electronics (GER)
Max Arsava - piano, electronics (GER)
Sebastian Langer - bass clarinet (GER)
Checking in on our Ruderal Neighbors
Conversation with Julie Robiolle focuses on our closest natural neighbor: the ruderal ecosystems. Inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer’s work, the talk will tackle language implication in constructing nature-culture space, looking for alternative cosmogony.
Julie Robiolle (b. in Paris, live and work in Geneva) is a researcher and curator. She co-curated The many-voices of les indiennes and is founder of the Playground Project.
Uexküll, Derrida and the Possibility of Having a World
Conversation with Dr. Can Batukan, about the concept of the world, what it means to have a world for living beings, through the critical ideas of Heidegger and Jakob von Uexküll on the question of the animal, leading us to understand what Derrida called ‘the language of the other.’
Can Batukan is a writer and researcher based in Paris and Istanbul, currently working on his postdoc research on Leibniz's theory of perception and Deleuze, at the Université de Paris. He works primarily on animality, robots, artificial intelligence, and the human-animal problem in philosophy.
Archaeologies of Sound in the Present
Conversation with Jonathan Ospina will start from the artist’s personal archive of field recordings of Colombia’s pacific coast. Following the attentive listenings, the talk will cover the politics of sound in regions where ecosystems are endangered by extractivist practices.
Jonathan Ospina (b. in Bogota, live and work in Zurich) is an artist, filmmaker interested in politics of sound, emerging ecologies, regional conflicts and music. Currently completing his MFA in Zürcher Hochschule der Kunste, Ospina is the recepient of Kuratorium Ökologie ZHdK Grant for 2020.
The language of the Other
Conversations of listening to nature and its people
'The language of the Other' is a small conversation series for the broadcasting program 'Radio Contact Zones' at MATERIAL, realized by the Qwas. The series will explore the possibilities of understanding the nature, as the distant other, through its imaginary and sensory language. Invited researchers share their study of nature and its implications in conversation with Gözde Filinta, accompanied by theories, field recordings, and readings. The series is a play between the known and unknown nature tales, trying to transpose dominant narratives by prevailing cultures. For this aim, in transculturation, the dialogues will use familiar and strange descriptions, experiences, stories, and knowledges.
Conversation series are curated by Gözde Filinta, who recently completed her MAS program in curating at ZHdK, Zurich. Her research interests include posthuman discourse, ecology, ecocriticism, and nonhuman agency in arts. She is based between Zurich and Istanbul.
© 2021 QWAS
Zurich University of the Arts
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
CH-8005 Zürich
E-Mail: contact[at]
Zurich University of the Arts
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
CH-8005 Zürich
E-Mail: contact[at]
© 2021 QWAS